I have always believed that having a teachable heart is promising. I believe it allows anyone regardless of age, gender, race or designation to make a positive impact that lasts in the lives of people. I strongly believe that people with teachable hearts never stay the same. They soar in whatever field they are in! I pray that God will bless me with a teachable heart and to surround me with people who encourage and uplift. Godly mentors or leaders also remind us that life is about lessons and these lessons when learned make us better individuals.
I also believe that leaders with teachable hearts are game changers because they possess traits such as humility, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, love, joy, and peace. Seems impossible but with God's help, we can!
As one of the elected leaders of the City of Makati, it is my desire to serve the people of Makati with compassion, empathy, understanding and wisdom. I really want to make God smile.

Center for Local and Regional Governance by NCPAG-UP
One of the goals of this four-day course by NCPAG-UP was to equip newly elected Councilors on the tasks ahead. Even though I have been a Councilor for nine years, I'm determined to learn more and get enough education to become better than before.

Sitting at the former table of my Dad, Councilor Rico J. Puno.
Thankful that I got an invitation to join the Course. It was definitely informative and effective. And yes, nag-information overload ako ng ilang araw pero worth it!

Atty. Buko Dela Cruz as Resource Speaker. He was my teacher in Highschool.
During the fourth and last day, we were asked to do a Mock Session. Upon entering the Session Hall, I made sure to look for my Dad's former table. I remembered the time when he was the one sitting there. What a privilege to be able to continue my Father's wonderful Legacy in the field of Public Service. I'm so proud of my Papa!

With Classmate and Colleague, Coun. Bel (Liga President)
Aside from the technical stuff that any City Councilor should know, I have learned that my mission is not just to take care of the welfare of the people (Section 16 of the Local Govt. Code) but to also honor God in everything that I do. In doing my part of studying well, learning new things, efficiently and effectively carrying out my duties, and most importantly showing respect to my Colleagues; these will help me excel in the workplace and give glory to His Name.

Yay! Got my Certificate Of Completion!
Life is short and it is too short to spend it in things other than whatever is true, noble, right, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. I pray to be humble before God and people. I pray that my heart and mind will be taught by Him. That is also my prayer for you. May we desire to be taught by the greatest Teacher of all, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Blog by: Councilor TOSCA PUNO-Ramos
Please watch out for Entry 2!🌺